It's Paul Olarewaju's Blog: Oprah Winfrey Reveals She May Run for President


Wednesday 1 March 2017

Oprah Winfrey Reveals She May Run for President

In a new interview with Bloomberg Media’s David Rubenstein, the media mogul said she never considered running for office because she doesn’t have the experience, but she started having second thoughts after Donald Trump emerged winner of the 2015 presidential election.

“I thought, ‘Oh gee I don’t have the experience,” said Winfrey. “I don’t know enough. And now I’m thinking, ‘Oh? Oh!'”

Before now, Oprah was actively involved in the presidential campaigns of Barack Obama. She held fundraisers for his candidacy and also joined him in 2007 and
2008 at rallies held in Iowa, South Carolina and California. This Columbia University study showed that the media mogul’s endorsement of Obama increased his chances of winning ‘significantly’, and after he won, Oprah was pictured, holding back tears at his inauguration.

Also, Oprah supported Hillary Clinton but she didn’t campaign for her.

“The reason why I haven’t been vocal other than saying, ‘I’m with her,’ is because I didn’t know what I could say that could actually pierce through all the noise, and the chaos, and the disgusting vitriol that is going on, and actually be heard,” she said in October.

The media mogul has also joined voices against Trump’s controversial policies, like the executive order he issued in January, which many interpreted as a #MuslimBan; she branded him a ‘demagogue’.

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