It's Paul Olarewaju's Blog: Chelsea Appoints New Manager To Replace Guus Hiddink


Monday 4 April 2016

Chelsea Appoints New Manager To Replace Guus Hiddink

46-year old Italian Antonio Conte signed a three-year contract with the English Premier League Club Chelsea and will replace Guus Hiddink. He will take charge of Chelsea after completing his spell as Italy coach at the European Championship.

After signing with the club, Conte said:

‘I am very excited about the prospect of working at Chelsea Football Club. I am proud to be the
coach of the national team of my country and only a role as attractive as manager of Chelsea could follow that.

‘I am looking forward to meeting everyone at the club and the day-to-day challenge of competing in the Premier League.

‘Chelsea and English football are watched wherever you go, the fans are passionate and my ambition is to have more success to follow the victories I enjoyed in Italy.

‘I am happy we have made the announcement now so everything is clear and we can end the speculation. I will continue to focus on my job with the Italian national team and will reserve speaking about Chelsea again until after the Euros.’

1 comment:

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